If you click this picture, you can see the whole gang performing their Christmas dance for you on Elf Yourself.
Home for three canine pensioners, two feline gentlemen and a bunch of fishy characters. Also frequented by robins and various Foxes Google+
If you click this picture, you can see the whole gang performing their Christmas dance for you on Elf Yourself.
I am happy to report that for the first time in many years, on the night before Christmas 2013, all through the house, not a creature stirred, not even a mouse.
Here’s a Linked in recommendation I wrote for Siobhan Owens of Dublin Pet School.
Her visit to Baskerville Manor was my 2012 birthday treat to myself.
After adding a The Big Guy to my family I called in Siobhan to advise me on how best to get the three Baskerville Beasts to live together peacefully, share the couch without argument, not squabble over food and to take them walking without a major riot as soon as they saw their leads coming out.
It only took one visit for Siobhan to understand all three of them (and me). She followed up with a clear, detailed, written report with advice on how to proceed.
On top of this Siobhan also spotted that the The Big Guy’s behaviour was affected by two different health problems that I had not recognised, which meant I was able to get both of them addressed quickly.
As I write this recommendation I am squashed between all three beasties on the couch and the only problem is that Shiloh the very large labrador wants to sleep with his head on my laptop.
Thanks, Siobhan, I can't recommend you highly enough.