This evening I noticed that every time I close a door, I first pause, open it a little further, and then close it properly. Is this the beginning of OCD? Nope – there is a tail involved. And that is not a typo.
Think about it, if you have an animal in the house, you need to take care of it. That means not closing a door on Fluffy or Fido’s tail, or otherwise injuring them inadvertently. So I got to thinking, how many things do I do more or less unconsciously and at least automatically for the benefit of the Baskerville Beasties?
Here goes:
- Pause before closing door
- Stand back when opening doors to allow the posse through (so I don’t trip)
- Never leave an upstairs window open if I’m not in the room
- Take small steps to avoid stepping on tails or paws
- Purchase stuff specifically for them to pooh in so I can throw it away
- Separate onions, raisins and other animal toxic stuff from food waste in case they manage to get at the bin (they are all master criminals – there is an ongoing power struggle in relation to bin access and they can all see the difference between 5 and 1)
- Tuck my legs under the chair so they have access to under the table
- Sit on one corner of the sofa so there is room for them
- Always point aerosol sprays away from them
- Since the cats arrived, always close the lid on the loo
- I play Angry Birds on my tablet so the cats can chase them
Does anybody else do stuff like this?
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